Monday, 24 February 2014

Funky Cow and Pound Bakery

I have a list of things that I am trying to do before I head back to the states. Saturday Simon and I went on an afternoon date to get a chicken bake pasty at the Pound Bakery and to get milkshakes at Funky Cow (2 of the things on my list, don't judge me most of them involve food). Simon had given me gift certificates at Christmas for the milkshake place, but we just hadn't gone yet. Both were scrumptious and it was the first milkshake I have had in over 6 months! This may not seem that crazy to some of you, but milkshakes and donuts are probably my favorite treats. Anyway, here are a few pictures from that afternoon.

Chicken Bake Pasty- just imagine chicken pot pie goodness housed in a flaky crust

Simon outside the milkshake "bar"

Mint and Vanilla for Simon and Vanilla and Reese's for me

1 comment:

  1. Milkshakes and donuts are my favorite as well. I love this blog.
