Monday 17 February 2014

Missionaries Coming and Going

It has been a while since I have done an up-date on the missionaries that have left us. Elder Paheroo left us a transfer ago. He was the one from Tahiti that I wrote about in an earlier post. Also, fun fact about him- he has won an Olympic gold medal! Crazy I know. It was for some type of rowing (can't remember the exact event). He said when he gets home he plans to train for the next Olympics. I told him we would be cheering him on. Here is a picture with an old companion (he is on the left):

In December we also lost Sister Crookston. She got here the same week we did back in September. She finished her mission though so she headed back home to Utah. She was also awesome and we were very sad to see her leave. She is probably one of the nicest and sweetest people I have ever met. Here are some pictures before she left (we had just gotten back from teaching a lesson):

Sister Crookston and I back in December

Sister Snarr and Sister Crookston

Me, Sister Snarr, and Sister Crookston

Elder Leiva is leaving is this week. He has only been here for 2 transfers and is a great missionary. He is a really good teacher and we have enjoyed being in lessons with him. He is from Chile and is leaving to become a Zone Leader in another area. Here is a picture after a lesson with John:

Elder Gourrat (also from Tahiti, this is his second transfer out on the mission), John, Elder Leiva, and Simon

Lastly, our dear Sister Snarr is leaving this week as well. She also arrived in Chester the same week that we did in September. She has been here the whole time I have and leaves about 2 weeks before I do... we always joked about who would leave first and she beat me to it. She has been such a good friend to me while I have been here. Here is a picture of her:

Sister D (can't spell her last name), Me, and Sister Snarr

1 comment:

  1. Aw, love the missionaries! Always sad to see ones you love leave.
